Live healthier with home fermentation

Our diet contributes quite significantly to our health.

What we eat is like the fuel the body needs to function effectively. Our diet builds our immune system by allowing our body to extract the necessary nutrients, minerals, vitamins and trace elements from food and make them available to cells.
Through fermentation, we make foods more durable. These are pre-digested, so to speak, by the microorganisms and the valuable ingredients of the ingredients are made available to the cells. In the process, probiotic-fermentative microorganisms preserve vitamins during fermentation, increase the content of free amino acids, palmitic and short-chain fatty acids, histamine and vitamin C, for example, while sugar is broken down. But fermentation is not a science.

Why is fermented by humans?

Fermentation has been used by people for many thousands of years. This was very important at that time, because there was neither a refrigerator nor were the available means of transport designed for fresh food. At the same time, fermented foods promoted their own health, for example, to get through the winter, which was harsh, at least in the northern hemisphere, when few fresh foods could be brought in other than animal products.
Even for many of our great-grandparents fermentation was still part of their “daily bread". So there was the home-made sourdough, the fruit and vegetable harvest was pickled in parts lactic sour, the cattle feed was prepared by fermentation as supplementary feed or a home-made beer was brewed. Yes even the so-called true Terra preta was refined over fermentation of Indios once. By the way, mead, beer and wine are also results of successful fermentation.

Fermentation was easy and relatively controlled due to the numerous fermentative microorganisms still freely available in the air and on the raw materials. Numerous households even cultivated their own organic cultures or yeasts for generations in rudiments as was typically the case with beer or sourdough. We are pleased to see that fermentation is gradually gaining greater popularity again and can thus contribute more to the health of us all. For example, fermented foods help with digestion and strengthen our immune system.

Ferment-active microorganisms as a food supplement

Unfortunately, today we often resort to industrial products, which we then process in our kitchen. So we buy juices, pre-cooked pasta, beet, pestos etc. to prepare a tasty healthy meal. Often, even organic products are just as industrially processed. The ingredients can certainly be purer, but are also heated or sterilized under pressure.

These processes of preservation kill – as intended – almost all bacteria and allow the products to become merchantable. We appreciate this because it essentially makes our lives easier. Through this, however, we lack regenerative microorganisms through our diet, which our body, however, urgently needs.
Self-fermented products require some effort and a little experience, but they are also easy on the wallet. Successes in fermenting usually occur very quickly. So we should again acquire knowledge about fermenting, because especially today we should not only pay attention to what food we eat, but also what is in this food for us. With our ferment starter according to the proven MikroVeda recipe, you can easily ferment lactic acid at home and produce your own ferment products with valuable fermentative multi-biocultures for your nutrition.

Basic dosages

✓ Vegetables: Approx. 25 ml MikroVeda Fermentstarter per kilo fermented vegetables.
✓ 1 L yogurt: Approx. 1 tbsp. MikroVeda Fermentstarter with approx. 1 tsp. prebiotic fiber (e.g. inulin) to 1 liter of room-warm milk (also possible with milk alternatives).
Bread: Approx. 1 tbsp. ProbiotiX ferment starter to 1 kg flour for a starter sourdough.
✓ Lemonade: Approx. 1 tbsp. ProbiotiX Ferment Starter in water and additive (e.g. lime juice, ginger, mint, etc. stir in as desired, let sit for 30 minutes, enjoy). Fermentation of a beverage is also possible with the Ferment Starter.

A true all-rounder – the MikroVeda ferment starter

Whether you want to make your own lactic preserves (sour vegetables), make your own sourdough or enrich an existing starter with valuable microorganisms – our ferment starter is a true all-rounder and unique due to its variety of probiotic-fermentative microorganisms.

Even homemade yogurt is child’s play. You only need one additional prebiotic as a micronutrient.

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