Why are MikroVeda microorganism preparations sustainable?

Communitized microorganism complexes offer an all-natural ecological approach to solving a variety of problems in key environments. The whole technology can be sustainable in that the concept around MikroVeda Microorganisms is also holistically thought through, from the sourcing of raw materials, collaboration with partners, production to the longevity of the products.

MikroVeda microorganisms are sustainable because we:

  • use 100% organic raw materials,
  • cultivate natural processes as a model for our production,
  • use regional ingredients where possible
  • observe fair working conditions for all parties involved
  • pay fair prices for all involved in the chain,
  • carry out energy-efficient production,
  • consider natural processes for the production of healthy food, feed, soil and crop inputs,
  • adhere to strict ecological guidelines in production,
  • provide sustainable benefits for people, animals and nature with our products,
  • act transparently and credibly vis-à-vis the interested parties and
    strive to act as a role model.

Our technology carries holistic benefits for 8 key environments:

  • Arable and garden soils
  • Plant crops
  • Aquatic biotopes
  • Wastewater areas
  • Areas and sites polluted with organic waste materials
  • Animal husbandry
  • Health care
  • Household
  • Sustainable labels

We are now focusing on sustainability for our labels as well. Our bottle labels are made from 100% recycled paper. This allows us to reduce the amount of plastic in our products as much as we can.
(Exceptions: Garden products that are frequently exposed to weather and water).

Sustainable packaging material

We use sustainable paper filling material for most of our packages (depending on the total weight). We recycle cardboard and cardboard scraps to protect the products in the boxes. So it can sometimes happen that this filling material leaves light paper dust residues on the bottles. We are happy to accept this in order to be able to do without artificial packaging chips. The customer can store and reuse our filling material to save space.

The adhesive tape used for the majority of our package sizes is also 100% plastic-free! It is thread-reinforced and made of paper and contains a natural rubber adhesive.

We think this is a good, sustainable solution.

Why are some of MikroVeda’s liquid ferments still offered in PET bottles today?

We work with living microorganisms. Our liquid preparations are carefully fermented out in our manufacture, but the microorganisms still remain active to a certain extent in order to be effective directly when ingested through the mucous membranes.
In addition, we guarantee a long shelf life of at least 1 year on many of our liquid preparations. When opened, they can be kept for several weeks. To extend the shelf life when opened, we recommend our customers to let the air out of the bottle by squeezing the bottle a little. Excess pressure due to the formation of carbon dioxide can thus be reduced and the air column in the bottle remains low – the product has a longer shelf life. The use of glass bottles is not the ideal choice for some of our liquid preparations, as air cannot be pressed out of them.

For our PET bottles we have test reports from the manufacturer, which guarantee us the compatibility with our products and guarantee BPA freedom.
Stability, quality and safety of our products are our top priority.

Why dark bottles?

Our liquid preparations are filled in dark bottles in order to maintain a longer shelf life and quality. Too much light damages the valuable ingredients, vitamins and especially the microorganisms in their value. The customer should also store the products cool and protected from light.

As a final point, we would like to add that our liquid preparations are not disposable products. They are not consumed within a short time and then end up in the trash can. Most of our liquid preparations have a useful life of between 4 weeks and half a year.

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