You can use MikroVeda microorganisms in your pond all year round. The fish and other living creatures desired in the pond also benefit from a healthy environment in the pond.
Biological pond and fish care product, super-activated starter cultures with zeolite natural rock suspension.
The microorganism community in MikroVeda Pond is an optimal combination of beneficial MikroVeda microorganisms, guaranteed to be non-GMO and originally from the wild. It contains, in addition to a number of numerous microorganism strains, two specialists important for water maintenance, namely photosynthetic bacteria of the strains Rhodopseudomonas palustris and Rhodobacter sphaeroides. The microorganism mixed culture is used in natural and fish ponds as well as in commercial aquacultures as so-called dominant organisms.
The representatives of this mixed culture dominate and support naturally occurring nitrite and nitrate bacteria (especially Nitrosomas and Nitrobacter) and thus significantly promote the self-purification forces of water biotopes. Organic substances such as dead plant parts, excrements of fish and other pond inhabitants as well as food residues are decomposed by these bacteria into protein building materials*. In addition, MikroVeda Pond achieves an increased phosphate binding in the sediment. This also greatly reduces the “free" phosphate that pollutes the pond water. Last but not least, the odorous gases (musty smell) hydrogen sulphide and methane gas are also greatly reduced.
* These decomposition products (protein) are converted into ammonium (NH 4+) and a small amount of ammonia (NH3) with oxygen consumption. This process is called nitrification: via the intermediate stage nitrite (NO2-) the plant nutrient nitrate (NO3-) is formed. Nitrate is non-toxic for fish. It is consumed for the most part by the pond plants as a nutrient.
The MikroVeda bacterial strains in MikroVeda Pond provide the decisive impetus for this process. Two other absolute specialists in MikroVeda Pond from the family of photosynthetic bacteria Rhodopseudomonas palustris and Rhodobacter sphaeroides are themselves directly involved in various degradation and remodeling processes as well!
Acceleration of the self-purification process
Highly concentrated, stabilized, natural and effective microorganisms in MikroVeda POND support and accelerate the self-cleaning process of the pond ecosystem. At the same time they improve and stabilize the ecological balance, so that regeneration and vitality of the pond and its inhabitants are sustainably increased.
Special features of a pond maintained with MikroVeda Pond:
- Significantly better sighting depths
- Stable pH values
- Less mulm/sludge/sediment at the bottom of the pond
- “Free" phosphates are bound in the sediment
- Hardly any musty odors due to a reduction of hydrogen sulfide, methane and ammonia
- A critical increase of pollutants is prevented
- Fish and other aquatic animals become significantly more vital and ready to spawn; striking is a strong, natural color development.
Practical application
Due to the diverse, highly concentrated microorganism community, a general guideline dosage is 1 liter of MikroVeda POND per 10 cubic meters (10,000 liters) of water. In principle, MikroVeda Pond can be applied for the first time in spring at a water temperature of more than + 5° C, i.e. before the first algae appear. We recommend spraying this quantity over the entire garden pond season at intervals of about four to six weeks mixed with 1:10 liters of pond water taken from the pond, if possible on the entire water surface (backpack sprayer or hose system) or pouring it out with a watering can.
The microorganism community in MikroVeda Pond self-distributes over time. If algae bloom has already occurred, on the other hand, we recommend a 14-day interval until the water is clearer again. After that again about four to six weeks preventive and as a maintenance product. Please shake gently before use. The containers have a shelf life of at least 12 months when closed, and about 6 months when opened.
Important note: Medications, algaecides containing copper and the treatment of the pond with UV equipment can impair the vitality of the microorganisms and thus the effectiveness of MikroVeda Pond.
Especially interesting for aquaculture operators:
MikroVeda Pond may be used in organic farming in the EU (European Union) according to the provisions of Annex II of Regulation (EC) No. 889/2008.
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